Z factory made an announcement about the release of their replica watches, which were designed to resemble the Daytona 116500. However, these replicas are actually based on the latest model, the specila replica Daytona 126500, which was produced by Rolex in 2023. The 126500 Daytona has certain modifications compared to its predecessor, the 116500. Unfortunately, the replicas from Z factory did not meet expectations and I would not recommend them.
Is a good quality acceptable replica watch , but there are noticeable differences when compared to the genuine version. While it does have some good features such as 904L stainless steel, sapphire crystal, and a Shanghai 4130 movement, I believe it falls short of being considered a super clone. At this moment, when everyone is looking for perfection, I don’t think many people would choose to buy the 126500 from Z factory.
After conducting some research on the authentic pictures of the replica Daytona 126500, I discovered that the replica version differs significantly from the genuine one. Firstly, the case shape on the replica is incorrect, particularly noticeable on the lugs. Secondly, a major flaw that immediately catches the eye is the size of the three subdials. The replica uses subdials that are the same size as the ones on the 116500, whereas they should be thinner and smaller on the 126500. Additionally, even the hour markers on the replica are thinner. This noticeable flaw in the subdials on the replica 126500 might discourage potential buyers from considering this watch.
Why did Z factory urgently unveil the new Daytona 126500 replica watch? It is likely because they want to increase their profits. While Z factory is known for producing good quality replicas of various watch models such as the IWC Portuguese, Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15400 and 15500, and Patek Philippe Nautilus and Aquanaut, they have faced challenges in terms of profitability. Only a few watch models, namely the AP 15400, 15500, and Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711, have been successful in generating significant revenue for Z factory. However, with direct competition from APS and 3K factory in these particular models, Z factory’s earnings may have decreased. Consequently, Z factory had planned to venture into the Rolex field for several years. The release of replica Rolex Submariner watches indicated their intention. They subsequently introduced Daytona replicas as well, demonstrating their eagerness to succeed in the Rolex market. However, their previous attempts at selling Submariner and Daytona replicas were unsuccessful, and it seems that the latest 126500 replicas they have launched are also poor clones.