The PAM 692 replica was produced by VS factory in March 2020.It has been some time since the release of that model.In the past few year, VS has manufactured several new Luminor Submersible replica models. Many of these are in the 47mm case size and utilize forged carbon material.It appears that Panerai has implemented some design changes to their Submersible line.The new Submersible replica watches have a more fashionable aesthetic. VS has also used a wider variety of materials and color options for these updated Submersible models.

The genuine PAM 692 watch features Panerai’s proprietary BGM-TECH material for the case, rather than pure titanium. In contrast, the replica Panerai is entirely constructed using titanium.This difference in case material is likely the most significant distinction between the genuine and replica PAM 692 watches. While the replica’s Super Clone P.9010 movement may closely resemble the appearance of the genuine P.9010 caliber, the difference in case composition means the weight of the replica watch will not be identical to the original.So in summary, the case material is the primary differentiating factor, as the replica utilizes standard titanium rather than Panerai’s specialized BGM-TECH alloy used for the genuine model.

The case back of the replica PAM 692 watch is solid and engraved with all the necessary information found on the genuine model, including the distinctive “torpedo” logo in the center. This attention to detail on the case back is a key feature.The case back can be easily opened using a small bubble ball tool, allowing a view of the internal movement. The replica’s movement components have been manufactured to match the dimensions of the genuine P.9010 caliber. This suggests the replica movement parts could potentially be interchangeable with the original.However, one shortcoming is that the replica does not have the same extended power reserve as the genuine Panerai P.9010 movement.Overall, the replica closely replicates the case back design and internal movement architecture of the genuine PAM 692, with the exception of the power reserve specification.

In addition to the black rubber strap that comes with the watch, the VS factory also provides one set of blue leather straps as an optional accessory for the replica watch.

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